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ACEROLA (Malpighiapunicifolia L)

4“ pot, This tree is cutting.

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  • Reduce the time to flowering.
  • Shorten the breeding fruit.
  • Beacuse you have a cutting tree.

ACEROLA (Malpighiapunicifolia L)

Growth Habit: Large, relatively fast growing bushy shrub or small tree (to 15 feet). Can be pruned to any desired shape, but grows best as a managed shrub.
Multiple or single trunks which can be trained. Occasionally, bushes appear to be composed of canes. Branches are brittle, and easily broken. Leaves may be irritating to some people. The root system is shallow, and trees can be toppled by wind, but they can be uprighted and recover over time.

Fruit: Fruits are round to oblate, cherry-like but with 3 lobes. They are bright red (rarely yellow-orange) with thin skin, easily bruised. The pulp is juicy, acid to sub-acid occasionally nearly sweet, with a delicate flavor and apple notes.

The fruit is very high in Vitamin C, up to 4,000 mg per 100 g fresh weight, but typically around 1,500 mg C. Green fruits have twice the Vitamin C level of mature fruits. Fruits develop to maturity in less than 25 days. Seeds typically three with fluted wings, forming a triangle. Many aspects of seed viability have not been studied.

Frost Protection: As with most frost-sensitive plants, the acerola will need some protection when grown in areas were frost can occur.

Growing with overhead protection or growing next to a wall or building may be sufficient, but the plant may also be covered with heavy cloth or plastic sheeting draped over a frame for added protection. Container grown plants can be moved too a frost secure area.